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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Best 'Friday' Cover Yet

This is the screamo cover of "Friday". It's actually really good.
Here's why:
- there's no autotune,

- You don't have to look at some stupid high schooler wannabe,

- No auto-tune,

- Decent music,

- No auto-tune,

- You can't understand the lyrics - which for this particular song is an improvement

- Oh and did I mention, NO AUTO-TUNE!?!?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mario Meets COD

Imagine if Super Mario were to combine with Call of Duty.  Freddie Wong makes that a reality.

Fat Kid Body Slams Bully

A little bully makes fun of a fat kid for being fat. Fat kid finally snaps and body slams little bully for all that he's worth. He can't even walk afterwards. Awesome job, fat kid. Fight back! ¡Viva la RevoluciĆ³n!

Rebecca Black Soon to be a Thing of the Past: /b/ is Gearing Up For Action

It looks like 4chan is prepping to do the world a public service.  The infamous /b/ message board has been running amuck with activity lately.  Anonymous has been fitting together a plot code named "Operation Black Friday" - a plan to knock Rebecca Black off the world wide web. reports as follows:
A call to action making its way around message boards reads: "here are some simple orders. 12pm est, start calling the school with all of the numbers and tardy bulls---, fax as many nudes of ANYTHING (girl blowing horse for example) and put rebecca's name on it. at 1pm est DDoS Ark Music Factory. at 3pm est, start requesting her (sorry excuse for) music on the radio"

Some users have already begun gathering and sharing the singer's personal information. A former student at her middle school recently posted the school's address, as well as a map of the campus and a copy of the academic calendar. Other 4channers, meanwhile, have been using social media to unearth the girl's contact information. According to Gawker, the trolls have already come up with a list of six possible home addresses.
The only downside to this entire plan is that Rebecca Black is a 13 year old girl.  We all know that Ark Music Factory is a threat to all things that are good in the music world.  It must be stopped by any means necessary. But the news media may spin this plot in a way that would make 4chan look like the bad guy, since the primary topic is a girl who is soooo young, sweet and innocent.  We've already seen the news media's sympathy for those who are cyber bullied; they would be all over this story, giving our beloved /b/ a bad rep.  This would also deter future efforts for knocking Rebecca Black and her horrible music out.

I say, let Black run her course.  Her music is crap, and she will fall off the earth like all other crappy musicians eventually will.  However, I fully support Anonymous' efforts.  If they are able to dent Ark Music Factory's evil plans to destroy pop music as we know it, then by all means, may they do what you must.

Best Rebecca Black "Friday" Covers (WARNING: only for those who are really really bored and don't have anything better to do)

rebecca black friday Pictures, Images and Photos

Acoustic Remake and Music Video Remake:

Stoner Version:

Epic Mullet Guy's Version (actually, this one isn't bad, he sings well.  the lyrics still suck):

Banjo Cover:

Garage Band Version:

Acoustic Cover that failed because the guy got fed up with the lyrics:

If "Friday" was used in Groundhog Day:

Satanic Version (Slowed down to 1/2 speed):

Rebecca's Acoustic Version without Auto-tune (be warned: it sounds worse than the original):

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Epic Meal Time: Jay Leno Aftermath

Our boys at Epic Meal Time made an Epic Shepard's Pie for St. Patty's day. Part 1 Below:

Part 2 right here:

Ark Music Factory--A Factory of Crappy Music

You know Rebecca Black's infamous YouTube video, "Friday"? That song and vid is just the tip of the iceberg. Ark Music Factory, the company that produced and wrote the atrocity of a song, has a line up of teen/child artists that are just as terrible, if not worse, than Rebecca Black. Don't believe me? Watch this video. I bet you won't be able to sit through the entire thing.

I truly hope and pray that these so-called "artists" will not ever make it big. If they do, I hope they will find someone else to write their songs, because everyone knows this music is trash. Although there may be some talent present, it is overwhelmed by shallow lyrics that don't flow, and cheap instrumentals.

For those of you who haven't heard, Rebecca Black did not write the song she performed. "Friday" was written by Ark Music Factory, the company that released the video above. I honestly can't blame Black for going with the song. She had some talent and decided that it was good enough for a record label. Unfortunately, she was suckered into a scam; a company aimed at mass producing music; an organization focussed on producing quantity, not quality; literally, a factory for crappy music.

Ark Music Factory set Black up to fail. According to Black, they set aside two songs for her. "[One] was about Adult Love," she comments, "I haven't experienced that yet." So naturally, she chose the other: a song about partying and indecision on whether to sit in the front or back seat of a car driven by her friends (despite the fact that she and her friends are only 13). I honestly don't think she's experienced that either.

On a different note, I love how she says that she hasn't experienced adult love "YET". All I can say to that is, "You'z a HOE!"

Bottom Line: Ark Music Factory is trash. Avoid any products coming out of there like the plague...the Black Plague that is! (hooray for cheesy puns!)

Soon to be Viral: Car Camera View of Tsunami in Japan

This is a video recorded from a Japanese news cast. A car drives down a beach-side highway when it gets slammed by the leading waves from the Tsunami. Coverage of the aftermath follows.

So if today's Thursday...?

Are you ready for it?

With the release of "Friday", Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and every other social network or blog website will be flooded with witty remarks concerning Rebecca Black's ode to partying, "FUN FUN FUN FUN" and indecisiveness over where she's going to sit.

So guys, "Which seat should I take?"

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Don't get too drunk, or you will end up like these people:

Epic Meal Time to be on Jay Leno

Epic Meal Time, or Karl's favorite YouTube channel, is making an appearance on the Tonight Show.

Check it out at this LINK

Odds are, it will turn out something like this:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rebecca Black is Constipated

After going through frame by frame, we have found these embarrassing screen shots of Rebecca Black and her friends.

Click on any picture to get a closer look.

"I is retarded"

Friend on left: "Gosh, did you just fart?"
Rebecca: (thinking) tehehehe, I just farted.
Friend on right: Derrrrrrr...

Friends on left and right: "Stop singing! You're giving us migraines."


"We wants it! We needs it! Smeagol must have the precious!"

I don't even know.  This is just an embarrassing picture.

"Heil Hitler!"

(thinking) Tehehehe, I'm gonna fart!

"Duhurhurhurhurhur! I farted!"

Constipated Rapper


Moar constipation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

'No More Bieber Fever, I Have the Black Plague!'

Here are some outstanding comments made on the "Friday" video by Rebecca Black that made us ROFLMAO:

lol wait is this supposed to be funny or not....

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! ANOTHER MIDDLESCHOOLER SINGING AND DRIVING AROUND BRAND_NEW CARS!!! And ye saturday does come after friday!! -,- im jk.. mad autotune


i dunno rebecca, what seat CAN you take?

Its really awful how many views this has, but it may be my fault because i keep posting it places and singing along with it to make fun of it...

she sounds so enthusiastic when she says "FUN FUN FUN."

Ke$ha for teeny boppers.

justin bieber finally finds herself a boyfriend.


please, gods of youtube. do not make this girl famous

Iz dis real life?

What's frightening about all of these comments is that the majority of them are from people who actually like the song. I pray that this song doesn't start showing up on the radio. It is horrible. It is everything that is wrong with bad pop music.

Raw Footage of Tsunami In Japan

Watch this video in High Definition. Check out this 1st Person view of the Tsunami in Japan as the waves roll through the streets of Kesennuma.

Rebecca Black's Friday Possibly Worst Song and Music Video EVAR?

Rebecca Black's Internet music video "Friday" has garnered over 6 million views as of today (Tuesday March 15). It's been holding the attention of big names on the Internet such as blogger Daniel Tosh and YouTuber Ray William Johnson. However, this video is not getting its publicity from being good. It's getting attention because it is so horrible.

The song in the video features Rebecca Black, a 14 or 15 or 16 year old who can't decide whether to sit in the front seat of the car, or the back. WOOPDY FRIGIN' DOO! The song's subject matter is so shallow, it makes Nickelback look like Shakespeare. Black sings about how it's Friday, how she's going to eat breakfast from a bowl of cereal, how rushes to the bus stop but then gets into her friends' car and CAN'T DECIDE WHETHER TO SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT OR THE BACK SEAT!?!?!? What is this a song for kindergardeners?!?!? No seriously, is it? There's even a section of the song that puts the order of the days of the week to music. I'm not exaggerating. These are the lyrics:

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards

About 3/4 of the way through the song, a nameless 50 year old rapper pops in and spits a verse similar to Luda's feature in Justin Bieber's song "Baby" (which was way better than this BTW). I kid you not, he really is nameless. He doesn't do a lead in like Luda's signature "Luda! (Luda...)" and his name is never mentioned in any credits or in the video description.

To top it off, the actual video is terribly directed. Black's makeup makes her look like a cheap 14 year old hooker. Black repeatedly lip-syncs like she's constipated. I should go frame by frame and take out as many embarrassing screen shots I can find, because some of them are quite hilarious. Any ways, the video is so awesomely bad. If you want to watch it, here you go...

What do you think of the video? Leave a comment below!


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